
VueMinder Ultimate 2016.08

VueMinder Ultimate

VueMinder - программа, которая поможет систематизировать ваше время. Составьте себе расписание и получайте напоминания когда угодно и где угодно. Получайте всю информацию о встречах, заданиях и записях, просто взглянув на прозрачный календарь, который находится прямо на вашем рабочем столе. Открывайте совместный доступ к календарю на работе, дома или в Интернете. Автоматическая синхронизация календаря с Google Calendar и Outlook. Вы сможете распечатать календарь, используя любой из предоставленных стилей и шаблонов. Вы сможете запланировать и сделать очень много с помощью VueMinder.

VueMinder Ultimate 2016.08

Основные возможности:

  • Гибкие опции напоминаний.
  • Синхронизация с Google Calendar
  • Возможность интеграции в Microsoft Outlook и Excel.
  • Встроенный календарь рабочего стола.
  • Возможность полностью настроить то, как отображаются записи в календаре.
  • Возможность просматривать день, неделю, месяц и т.д.
  • Открывайте общий доступ к календарю по локальной сети.
  • Отправляйте весь календарь или отдельные встречи и напоминания по электронной почте.
  • Управление данными.
  • И много других функций.

VueMinder Ultimate 2016.08

Изменения в версии 2016.08:

  • Improved program performance, especially when recurring events have been defined.
  • Improved performance when importing ICS files that contain recurring events.
  • Improved performance of the Task List when visible task calendars are changed. Previously, there could be a long delay and sometimes the Task List wouldn't properly refresh.
  • Improved performance when selecting or deleting a large number of tasks.
  • Improved selecting visible columns in the Event, Task, Note, and Contact lists. Available columns will be shown in a popup window instead of a menu, making it easier to select multiple columns in one operation.
  • Improved the Task, Note, and Contact lists to show how many items are selected.
  • Improved the Details Pane and tooltips to show the date and time when an item was created or last modified. Previously, this information was only shown for items that were shared over a local network with other computers.
  • Improved the text editor to select double-clicked words.
  • Improved contact photos and date background pictures to be cached locally, in case the images were added from a network location. The images will load faster and will also be shown while offline.
  • Improved the Event and Task Editors to automatically enable a reminder when its row is selected from the list of available reminder types.
  • Improved the reliability of saving program data and settings. In some cases, the settings file could become corrupted, which could then lead to data not loading properly if stored in a non-default location.
  • Corrected changing the font name, size, and color in the text editor. In some cases, several characters could be deleted near the caret position when the font was modified.
  • Corrected the text editor to process the Tab key. Previously, pressing the Tab key would result in input focus moving from the text editor to a different input field.
  • Corrected syncing with Google Calendar. In some cases, modified occurrences of a recurring series wouldn't sync properly or would appear as duplicates.
  • Corrected the behavior of the "Use a different account" button on the "Add Google Calendar" window.
  • Corrected cases where events imported from an ICS file could be off by an hour, depending on the time zone.
  • Corrected syncing of events that are imported from an ICS file into a calendar that is configured to sync with Exchange Server. The imported events wouldn't automatically sync after being imported.
  • Corrected the "Completed" menu command when both an event and task are selected. The selected event was being converted to a task. The associated event calendar would also sometimes be converted into a task calendar.
  • Corrected the "Show Tasks in Calendar" and "Show Notes in Calendar" options on the View menu to work independently of the checkboxes in the Calendar List.
  • Corrected the Note and Task Lists to consistently filter rows depending on which calendars are unchecked in the Calendar List.
  • Corrected the Task List when there are multiple levels of row grouping or sub-task rows. In some cases, the values displayed in the nested rows were in the wrong columns or out of sync with the column headers.
  • Corrected the Task List to not show empty group rows when task search results are listed.
  • Corrected the Task List right-click menu commands when multiple task rows are selected. Some of the commands would only affect the first selected row.
  • Corrected the Task List when tasks are grouped by Due Date or Start Date. In some cases, tasks with the same date would appear in separate groups.
  • Corrected the display of completed tasks in the Task List. In some cases, completed tasks wouldn't appear, despite being due within the specified date range and the View menu option to show completed tasks being enabled.
  • Corrected dragging-and-dropping multiple task as subtasks of another task in the Task List. The subtasks were not appearing as related tasks in the Task Editor of the parent task.
  • Corrected the Task List to also sort sub-tasks when a column header is clicked.
  • Corrected repeating tasks which are linked to other items. When the task was completed and a new instance automatically created, the linked items were not updated to link back to the new instance of the task.
  • Corrected the Task List after creating a task which doesn't have a due date. In some cases, the Task List wouldn't automatically refresh to show the new task.
  • Corrected the "Save as Defaults" button on the Task Editor. Clicking the button would sometimes result in a duplicate task row appearing in the Task List.
  • Corrected linking items to notes which haven't been pinned to dates. The notes weren't appearing in the "Add Link" window.
  • Corrected the Calendar List's "Delete Group" context menu command when a contact has been selected on the Contact List. The contact would be deleted instead of the calendar group.
  • Corrected the Contact List to properly refresh when a filter has been applied on one or more columns and a contact is edited.
  • Corrected the "File As" value shown in the Contact Editor to be consistent with the File As value shown in the Contact List. Depending on the contact's full name, the values could sometimes be different.
  • Corrected the List View to clear any specified filters on a column when the column is hidden by the user.
  • Corrected the Event List when rows are grouped and an event is modified. Previously, all groups except the one containing the modified event would collapse when the list was refreshed.
  • Corrected the Event List when rows are grouped and search results are displayed. Any updates to events would cause the row grouping to be lost.
  • Corrected the Details Pane to show linked items in the same order they appear on the Links tab of the editor window.
  • Corrected copying and pasting completed events. The pasted events would also be marked as completed.
  • Corrected the popup reminder window to close when its last reminder is dismissed or snoozed. The window would sometimes continue to be displayed with no reminders shown.
  • Corrected the drop-down date picker to always show the currently selected month in the middle, with the previous month above and next month below.
  • Corrected the mini desktop calendar to properly display dates that contain events having black text on a transparent background. The date numbers wouldn't appear in that case.
  • Corrected the right-click context menu on the Year view to be consistent for all dates.
  • Corrected the Year view to not flicker when clicked.
  • Corrected the "Quick Color" context menu command when used on the first occurrence of a recurring series. The occurrence color wasn't being updated to match the selected quick color.
  • Corrected the border colors shown on the current date when printing the Monthly layout. Depending on the appearance theme being used, the borders on the current date were sometimes not the same color as borders for other dates.
  • Corrected opening linked files when they contain spaces in their path or file name. On some computers, the files wouldn't properly open.
  • Corrected transferring data from the USB version to the locally installed version. The USB version was unable to detect the presence of the installed version on some computers.
  • Corrected the text in the warning message when using a non-English language and a recurring event is defined which has a start date inconsistent with the recurrence pattern. The warning message wasn't fully translated.
  • Corrected the text in the grouped column headers of the List View when using a non-English language. The label for the number of items in the group wasn't translated.
  • Translated to Portuguese (Portugal).
  • Many other minor corrections and improvements.
VueMinder Ultimate 2016.08

ОС: Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, and XP.


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MANSORY 01/07/16 Просмотров: 2411
7Lexus 05 июля 2016, 19:37:13

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