
Dominique Sanders. A True Story Based On (2015)

Dominique Sanders

Жанр: Acid jazz
Формат файла: Mp3, 320 kbps / FLAC | Время звучания: 01:15:30


01. In the Beginning
02. Isoar
03. On Sight
04. What If They Come in Peace, Pt. 1
05. What If They Come in Peace, Pt. 2
06. Visible Galaxies
07. Awakining (feat. Miles Bonny)
08. Cali
09. Dreaming (feat. Anthony Saunders)
10. Someone Else (feat. Reach & Reggie B)
11. The Let Down
12. 5th Dimensions
13. Jazz and BBQ
14. Foundation (feat. The Phantom & Ernest Melton)
15. Inner Dimensions
16. Jazz Jokes
17. Rise Above
18. Of the Things to Come
19. Dreams of Tomorrow
20. Nearing Quietus
21. What It's All For


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MSMartini 26/03/15 Просмотров: 4405