
VueMinder Ultimate 11.0.0 + Rus

VueMinder Ultimate

VueMinder - программа, которая поможет систематизировать ваше время. Составьте себе расписание и получайте напоминания когда угодно и где угодно. Получайте всю информацию о встречах, заданиях и записях, просто взглянув на прозрачный календарь, который находится прямо на вашем рабочем столе. Открывайте совместный доступ к календарю на работе, дома или в Интернете. Автоматическая синхронизация календаря с Google Calendar и Outlook. Вы сможете распечатать календарь, используя любой из предоставленных стилей и шаблонов. Вы сможете запланировать и сделать очень много с помощью VueMinder.

VueMinder Ultimate

Основные возможности:
  • Гибкие опции напоминаний.
  • Синхронизация с Google Calendar
  • Возможность интеграции в Microsoft Outlook и Excel.
  • Встроенный календарь рабочего стола.
  • Возможность полностью настроить то, как отображаются записи в календаре.
  • Возможность просматривать день, неделю, месяц и т.д.
  • Открывайте общий доступ к календарю по локальной сети.
  • Отправляйте весь календарь или отдельные встречи и напоминания по электронной почте.
  • Управление данными.
  • И много других функций.
VueMinder Ultimate

Что нового:

  • Added the ability to automatically sync with Google Contacts. This option can be enabled via the Share menu or via a new button at the top of the Contact Editor window.
  • Added the ability to define multiple phone numbers, email addresses, mailing addresses, websites, social media links, and dates for a single contact. Each value can have a label to identify its type (home, work, etc) and custom labels can be entered.
  • Added a "To..." button for selecting reminder or meeting recipients. This button will show a window where contacts can be searched and filtered, similar to Outlook.
  • Added an option (under the Reminder Options) to automatically mark past events as completed.
  • Added a setting when defining an SMS reminder to only send the associated event or task description - not the title, start date, or other details.
  • Added a Swedish translation. Also updated the Chinese, Danish, and Finnish translations.
  • Improved syncing with Google Calendar to use the latest Google Calendar API. This fixes a number of bugs.
  • Improved and simplified the process for allowing VueMinder to access Google Calendar data. An authorization code no longer needs to be copied and pasted. Authorization can be performed using a single button click.
  • Improved VueMinder to be capable of accessing Google Calendar accounts that have 2-step verification enabled. Note, 2-step verification still needs to be disabled if syncing contacts with Google in the Pro or Ultimate version.
  • Improved syncing with Google Calendar to include support for custom colors, instead of being limited to the basic Google Calendar color palette.
  • Improved adding a calendar subscription to work with URLs that are prefixed with "webcal://" or "webcals://".
  • Improved importing events from Excel and CSV files to import values in "Show Occurrence Number", "Start Occurrence Number" and "Locked" columns.
  • Improved importing contacts from Google to include all defined email addresses, mailing addresses, phone numbers, dates, and URLs.
  • Improved entering reminder recipients to allow email addresses and phone numbers (for voice phone reminders) to be typed in. Contacts no longer need to be defined first.
  • Improved the "Meeting Request" tab in the Event Editor. A box doesn't need to be checked before recipients can be added. If any meeting recipients have been specified, the event will be treated as a meeting request. Otherwise it will be treated as a normal event.
  • Improved popup and desktop alerts that have voice reminders enabled. If multiple voice reminders appear at the same time, each voice reminder will be played in sequence, rather than only one of the voice reminders playing.
  • Improved the right-click Lock/Unlock command to work with multiple selected events.
  • Improved the right-click "Assign to Calendar" command to be provided for recurring events.
  • Improved marking a repeating task as completed. The next occurrence of the task will be automatically selected to provide visual feedback that a new occurrence was created.
  • Improved the Description column in the Event and Task list to show as much text as possible on a single line. If all the text can't fit, an ellipsis character (...) will appear to indicate additional text is present.
  • Improved the display of date background pictures and date numbers. Previously, the entire top area of the date would be shaded to provide contrast for the date number, which only takes up a small space. Now, only the area directly below the date number will be shaded, allowing more of the background picture to be visible.
  • Improved the Details Pane to indicate whether tasks on a selected date have been completed. Also, if the option to show completed tasks is disabled, completed tasks will no longer appear in the Details Pane for a selected date.
  • Improved most windows to close when the Escape key is pressed or to perform a default action when the Enter key is pressed.
  • Corrected a problem with Google Calendar authorization and syncing sometimes stopping after a few hours or days. In some cases, the authorization webpage would appear multiple times per day. This will no longer happen.
  • Corrected handling the case where networking problems temporarily prevent VueMinder from accessing Google Calendar. VueMinder will wait until a connection can be established and then continue syncing, with no authorization webpages or error messages displayed.
  • Corrected syncing with Google Calendar in the case where a monthly event is defined to repeat every 2 or more months. The event would appear in VueMinder every single month.
  • Corrected syncing of recurring events with Google Calendar when the recurrence pattern is configured to repeat on a day of the week that is the 4th in the month, such as the 4th Tuesday.
  • Corrected syncing with Google Calendar when recurring events are defined to start and stop on the same day. The single occurrence would not appear in VueMinder.
  • Corrected syncing recurring events with Google Calendar when they are defined to have an end date. In some cases, the last occurrence wouldn't appear in VueMinder.
  • Corrected syncing event categories with Google Calendar when the right-click "Categorize" command is used to change an event category in VueMinder. The category association would get reverted back to the previous value after syncing.
  • Corrected syncing of event appearances with Google Calendar. When a single occurrence of a recurring event had its appearance customized, the appearance wouldn't sync back to Google Calendar.
  • Corrected handling of the case where a locally added or modified event doesn't properly sync with Google Calendar (for whatever reason, such as network problems). VueMinder will continue attempting to sync the event until successful.
  • Corrected a problem with occurrences of recurring events not being removed from Google Calendar if they are moved to different dates before being deleted.
  • Corrected a problem where VueMinder would not sync with events defined in Google Calendar that have the same title and occur at the same time as other events defined in the same calendar.
  • Corrected a problem with floating tasks sometimes not automatically moving to the current date if synced with Google Tasks.
  • Corrected a problem with multi-day tasks that are configured to float to the current date when overdue. The tasks would sometimes not automatically move to the current date after becoming overdue.
  • Corrected importing contacts from Google to include birthdays.
  • Corrected importing contacts from Google that only have a last name entered. Previously, the last name would appear as the first name in VueMinder.
  • Corrected importing contacts from Google to include accented characters (á, é, í, ü, ő, ű etc.). Previously, the accented characters wouldn't appear in VueMinder.
  • Corrected a problem with duplicate events sometimes appearing in calendars shared through VueMinder Server. Note, this correction will prevent new duplicates but won't clean up existing duplicates.
  • Corrected a problem with events sometimes disappearing when added to calendars that are both published and subscribed.
  • Corrected calendars added via the "Add Public Calendars and Holidays" command to get the default event and reminder settings specified for all new calendars.
  • Corrected a problem with calendar subscriptions that only contain one event, where deleting that event in the remote calendar would not cause the event to be removed from VueMinder after syncing.
  • Corrected the "Sync Now" button in the bottom-right corner of the Status Bar. In some cases, the button wouldn't work for calendar subscriptions or calendars that are synced 1-way from Google to VueMinder.
  • Corrected ICS import/subscriptions and handling of time zones. In some cases, events would appear at the wrong time in VueMinder.
  • Corrected the "Connect to Server" window to include a check box for enabling SSL. This window appears if the option to save the password was not enabled and a calendar subscription requires authentication in order to sync.
  • Corrected a problem with recurring events sometimes not properly importing from ICS files, depending on how the recurrence pattern is defined in the ICS file.
  • Corrected a problem with importing ICS files when they contain event organizer email addresses that span multiple lines.
  • Corrected problems importing ICS files when they contain certain non-standard properties.
  • Corrected a problem with exported ICS files not importing properly into Outlook if one or more events in the exported file end at midnight but are not all-day events.
  • Corrected a problem where entering a title for a contact would result in the title being moved to the contact's first name the next time the contact is opened.
  • Corrected printing the 5-week Monthly layout style to use the specified date range instead of printing whole months.
  • Corrected the Month view to continue showing a whole month (if that option is enabled) when the "Today" or "Go to Date" buttons are clicked.
  • Corrected the Details Pane when set to "Today" to automatically refresh when the current date changes.
  • Corrected the Details Pane to refresh when a linked item is changed. For example, if the Details Pane is showing a contact that is linked to an event and the event title is modified, the new title will now automatically appear in the Details Pane.
  • Corrected a problem when using the Italian translation and attempting to snooze reminders for more than 2 hours.
  • Corrected the "Due In" column in the popup reminder window to continue to refresh for events that started more than a few hours ago.
  • Corrected email and SMS reminders to not remove contacts that have their "File As" value changed.
  • Corrected sending SMS and voice phone reminders through SMS Matrix to automatically remove non-numeric characters from phone numbers. As of January 12, 2014, SMS Matrix requires phone numbers to have digits only (no spaces, dashes, etc).
  • Corrected the Recent Reminders window to refresh when events are edited or colors changed.
  • Corrected the event count in the status bar to not include recurring events where all occurrences have been deleted.
  • Corrected the message displayed when deleting the first occurrence of a recurring series to not provide an option to delete the selected occurrence and all that follow, since that's the same as deleting the entire series.
  • Corrected the Edit menu and right-click menu to not show Categorize, Prioritize, and Assign to Calendar commands when the selected event is read-only or belongs to a subscribed calendar.
  • Corrected the up/down navigation buttons in the Event Editor to not show the previous event's description if the current event doesn't have a description.
  • Corrected a number of problems related to text scaling. Some input fields or buttons were being clipped on displays having 125% or larger text scaling.
  • Corrected the additional time zone that can be optionally displayed in the Day view. It was an hour off.
  • Corrected the Desktop Calendar to not hide the "Move/Resize" button when maximized. This was causing confusion for some users.
  • Corrected a problem with the Move/Resize button and other buttons in the upper-right corner of the Desktop Calendar sometimes disappearing.
  • Corrected the Calendar Items area to restore whichever tab (Calendars, Categories, Priorities, or Locations) that was active when VueMinder was last closed.
  • Corrected a problem with the display of notes in the Calendar View and Notes List if note text is entered on the Plain Text tab and includes characters reserved for HTML, such as the less-than symbol. HTML code would start to appear in the note text if the note was re-opened and saved.
  • Corrected an unhanded exception message that would intermittently appear on some computers.
  • Many other minor corrections and improvements.

ОС: Windows 8, 7, Vista и XP SP3


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