Mac OS

LiveQuartz 2.0

LiveQuartz 2.0

LiveQuartz - простой в использовании редактор растровой графики для Mac. Программа позволяет выполнить удаление фона, кадрировать изображения, добавить текст, клонировать фрагменты и др. Кроме того LiveQuartz поддерживает работу со слоями и позволяет добавлять, удалять, перетаскивать, изменить порядок и объединить слои.

LiveQuartz 2.0

Поддерживаемые форматы изображений:

  • rhif (native non destructive format), pdf, png, jpeg, jpeg2000, tiff, tga, gif, bmp, OpenEXR

Только для чтения:

  • raw, photoshop (merged layers), icns, sgi, Windows ico, Windows cursor, FlashPix, MacPaint, QuickTime Import Format, Radiance, XWindow bitmap


  • Standard Core Image Filters + Shadow filter + "Flip" geometry filter (more than 110 filters available)
LiveQuartz 2.0

Изменения в версии 2.0:

  • Built for OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion and 10.7 Lion
  • «Sandbox» support
  • Full Screen support
  • Simplified and more modern UI with more contextual informations
  • New text layer UI (full text editor per text layer with rich text editing and alignment settings, etc)
  • More standard Filters added (110+ filters available)
  • Sharing popover menu support to export to popular social web sites like Twitter, Flickr, Email, AirDrop, Message and very soon : Facebook (only on Mountain Lion)
  • Auto Save support (only on Mountain Lion)
  • Versions support (only on Mountain Lion)
  • Updated file format RHIF
  • New «Export» menu to export a LiveQuartz image to popular image file formats (it replaces "Save As...")
  • Retina Display support status : Critical bugs are fixed but some tools' bugs remain (drawing tools and selections). Graphical User Interface is 90% ready for Retina Display. Support of ‘Retina image editing’ will be enhanced in next releases.
  • After adding a multiple pages PDF as a layer, we can choose the page in layer settings popover.
  • Precise positioning of layers
  • Possible to fill a layer with current color
  • QuickLook plug-in bug fixes
  • More stable Import from Device and Scanner UI (only on Mountain Lion)

Языки интерфейса: English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Danish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Persian, Russian and Spanish.

Requirements: OS X 10.7.4 or later, 64-bit processor


Скачать программу LiveQuartz 2.0 (5,5 МБ):

ITSS 05/10/12 Просмотров: 3794