MahJong Suite 2011 v8.0 + Graphics Pack

MahJong Suite - это полная коллекция пасьянсов игры Маджонг. С помощью этой коллекции вы откроете для себя загадочный и очаровательный мир Востока, с его тайнами и знаниями. Этот набор игры включает в себя четыре варианта Маджонга: Классический, Словесный, Математический и Перетасованный. Также есть 6 различных вариантов положения игровых плиток. И более того, в полной версии вы сами можете планировать располагать плитки по вашему желанию и, таким образом, облегчать или усложнять себе задачу. Каждая игра Маджонга имеет миллионы возможных перемещений, следовательно, она может оставаться новой, вне зависимости от того, сколько раз вы в нее играете.

MahJong Suite is a high-quality collection of MahJong solitaire games.
Each MahJong game has millions of possible shuffles to play, so the game remains fresh no matter how many times you play. Enjoy the detailed statistics of each game with graphs, 3D charts (pies and bars) and tables to estimate your skill level (by total, current session, series of wins and losses, players' games won, players' score, hi-scores...), statistics for All Games, Won games, Not Won games, Over Average, Under Average, Not Played...
For MahJong lovers, MahJong Suite is a guaranteed pleasure. Each of the games is fun and exciting and will keep you entertained for hours. If you like MahJong games, then you'll want to add MahJong Suite to your collection!

What's New in This Release:
MahJong Suite 2011's version 8.0 includes the following new features:
New "Select a Game" dialog box
The Select a Game dialog box has been redesigned to make the choice of games easier and intuitive. Using the "Select" combo box in the left-upper corner, you can select one of the following game groups: All Games, MahJong games only, Matching Games only, 50 Most Played Games, 50 Least Played Games, Favorites, Not Yet Played, Games Won, Played and not yet Won, Customized, New Games.
To select a game, simply click on the corresponding thumbnail. Leaving the cursor on the thumbnail of a game pops up a small yellow window containing information about the game (for example, Tiles Number, Levels, Game Time, Chance of Winning, etc.).
You can move through the pages by using the two buttons "Previous page" and "Next page", located near the bottom.
You can switch from the new to the old "Select a Game" dialog box by checking or unchecking the "Switch from the New to the Old 'Select a Game' dialog box" in the Advanced Options dialog box (Options dialog box, Advanced button...).
Graphics Pack download and installation simplified
In order to simplify the download and installation of MahJong Suite Graphics Packs, we would like to announce the following:
- Beginning with version 8.0, the Graphics Pack will be a single file to download, instead of two separate files (for Graphics Pack 1 and Graphics Pack 2).
- The Graphics Pack's version number will be the same as the related MahJong Suite's version number (e.g. MahJong Suite 8.0 will have Graphics Pack 8.0).
Statistics dialog boxes redesigned
All the Statistics dialog boxes have been redesigned and graphically improved with new beautiful 3D graphics.
Game Won dialog box redesigned
The "Game Won" dialog box (the dialog box which appears after winning a game) has been redesigned and now contains the new 3D graphic showing the number of games won and lost.
Grids redesigned
The grids used in all the dialog boxes (Hi-Scores, Log Statistics, Select a Game Number, etc.) have been graphically redesigned to match the colors and style of the chosen skin.
MahJong Suite 2011's version 8.0 includes the following 3 new Layouts (140 games in all):
- Liberty Bell
- Tower Bridge
- Umbrella
MahJong Suite 2011's version 8.0 includes the following new Tile Set
MahJong Suite 2011's version 8.0 includes the following 3 new Backgrounds
MahJong Suite 2011's version 8.0 includes 7 new pictures of Players.
Скачать игру MahJong Suite 2011 v8.0 (13 МБ):
Скачать Graphics Pack Volume 1 v1.10 (11,04 МБ):
Скачать Graphics Pack Volume 2 v2.11 (8,21 МБ):
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