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PHP Designer

PHP Designer — программа для создания, редактирования, отладки, анализа и публикации веб-страниц и приложений на языке PHP. Одинаково подходит как для начинающих программистов, так и для профессиональных разработчиков. Кроме PHP, программа поддерживает HTML, MySQL, XML, CSS, javascript, VBScript, JAVA, C, Python и Ruby. Также идеально подходит для WAMP/LAMP- и AJAX-разработчиков, так как обладает средствами для автоматической подсветки кода. Программа имеет емкие библиотеки, содержащие более 3000 функций, доступ к которым можно легко осуществлять в процессе программирования.

phpDesigner 7 is more than just a powerful and lightning fast PHP IDE and PHP EDITOR - it's also a full-featured HTML-, CSS- and JavaScript editor boosted with features so you can get your work done -- for both beginners and professional developers!

phpDesigner 7 assists you with everything from editing, analyzing, debugging to publishing websites powered by PHP, HTML, CSS to JavaScript plus other languages!

phpDesigner 7 supports not only working with your favorite PHP frameworks but also popular JavaScript frameworks jQuery, Ext JS, YUI, Dojo, MooTools and Prototype!

  • Feature loaded but still fast and intuitive to use and learn!
  • Full-blown PHP, HTML, CSS and JavaScript editor!
  • Advanced code tip and code completion with OOP!
  • Debug and profile your PHP scripts with Xdebug!
  • Work with all PHP- and popular JavaScript frameworks!
  • Work with files over FTP/SFTP and TortoiseSVN support!

[quote=Что нового в phpDesigner 7.0 от 7/10/2009]

  • New. JavaScript code completion
  • New. Support for JavaScript Object-oriented programming (OOP)
  • New. JavaScript code tip with extended information/documentation
  • New. Support for user-defined JavaScript functions
  • New. Support for user-defined JavaScript variables
  • New. Code Explorer for JavaScript
  • New. Jump to JavaScript declarations
  • New. Support for the JavaScript framework ExtJS
  • New. Support for the JavaScript framework jQuery
  • New. Support for the JavaScript framework Yahoo! UI Library (YUI)
  • New. Support for the JavaScript framework Dojo
  • New. Support for the JavaScript framework Prototype
  • New. Support for the JavaScript framework MooTools
  • New. Added JavaScript operators to the JavaScript menu
  • New. Added JavaScript Statements to the JavaScript menu
  • New. Added JavaScript single line comment to the JavaScript menu
  • New. Added JavaScript multi-line comment to the JavaScript menu
  • New. Added History() to the JavaScript menu
  • New. Code Explorer for CSS
  • New. Jump to CSS declarations
  • New. Code completion can now suggest the closing tag for HTML/XHTML
  • New. Code completion can now suggest the closing tag for XML
  • New. Inline JavaScript code completion in HTML/XHTML (in events like onclick="...")
  • New. Inline CSS code completion in HTML/XHTML (style="...")
  • New. Option to delay the PHP syntax check
  • New. Added support for SFTP
  • New. Support for SFTP using password
  • New. Support for SFTP using key
  • New. Option to customize the ftp/sftp name in the ftp/sftp manager
  • New. Added Bookmarks to the Go to menu
  • New. Support for Google Chrome (browser preview)
  • New. Support for Microsoft's Bing search engine (Live has been removed)
  • New. Upgraded to the latest version of HTML Tidy
  • New. Upgraded to the latest version of PHP (version 5.3) and configured with Xdebug
  • New. Optimized memory usage on big projects (declarations is now compressed e.g. from 40MB to 15MB for parsed data)
  • New. Force loading files as UTF-8 (Preferences > General)
  • New. By default the syntax for PHP is now delayed with 3seconds (previously 1 second)
  • New. Support for text output (embedded browser - before only support for formatted/html output)
  • New. Dialog to edit default templates
  • New. Code completion with supported parameters in the dialog for editing the default templates
  • New. Option to edit the default HTML/XHTML template
  • New. Option to edit the default CSS template
  • New. Option to edit the default XML template
  • New. Option to edit the default JavaScript template
  • New. Option to edit the default VBScript template
  • New. Option to edit the default SQL template
  • New. Option to edit the default Perl template
  • New. Option to edit the default Java template
  • New. Option to edit the default C# template
  • New. Option to edit the default Python template
  • New. Option to edit the default Ruby template
  • New. Option to edit the default Smarty template
  • New. Option to edit the default No syntax template
  • New. Save to FTP button added to the File toolbar
  • New. Copy to FTP button added to the File toolbar
  • New. By default the Keep text is now on (Preferences > Editor > Code completion)
  • New. Added Go to menu (Go to declarations etc.)
  • New. Select file from the menu File has now been renamed to Go to file and moved to the menu Go to
  • New. Project files has been renamed to Go to project file and moved to the menu Go to
  • New. Code tip now supports overloaded functions
  • New. Code completion now support catch(Exception $e) // $e-> will hold Exception class
  • New. Support for 'user initialized' functions (similar as variables)
  • New. Support for function parameters initialized by PhpDoc keyword @param
  • New. Code tip now supports multiple __construct
  • New. Support for class completion for variables in local scope from global namespace (global $a; $a->[CC])
  • New. Link to Facebook in the menu About
  • New. Link to Support in the menu About
  • New. Panels button added on the Window toolbar
  • New. Color selector
  • New. Added comment to the CSS style block (menu CSS)
  • New. Added CSS comment /* */
  • New. @Import CSS file
  • New. Added wizard for creating new sibling CSS Selector
  • New. Added wizard for creating new child CSS Selector
  • New. Added wizard for creating new pseudo CSS Selector
  • New. Link to support in the menu Help
  • New. Link to the Facebook Page for phpDesigner
  • New. Link to Tutorials and Resources
  • New. If you open a file without a file extension it will now use by default the intelligent syntax highlighter (preferences)
  • New. On drop files on editor area you can now set it to either open the file or insert it as a url (preferences)
  • New. Option to disable the JavaScript code completion and code tip (preferences)
  • New. Option to skip the Print Preview (preferences)
  • New. Option to insert the current file directory in the Search dialog
  • New. Added support for more special characters in the special characters dialog
  • New. Support for TortoiseSVN "Resolve"
  • New. Support for TortoiseSVN "Log"
  • New. Swedish language file added
  • New. Croatian language file updated
  • New. Spanish language file updated
  • Fixed. By default the find/replace dialog will automatic close after the search
  • Fixed. Find/replace in all opened documents (previously it marked all files as modified)
  • Fixed. Code beautifier for PHP (before it removes the space between the variable and the variable type)
  • Fixed. Scrolling with the mouse inside the embedded browser in phpDesigner
  • Fixed. Configuring the output directory for Xdebug profiler only if php.ini exists
  • Fixed. The PHP window is now only displayed if there are errors/warnings on Run
  • Fixed. Support for changing colors for special tags like
  • Fixed. Reload project renamed to Rescan Project
  • Fixed. Search bar inside the embedded browser has been removed use instead the default one in the web browser
  • Fixed. Better cleanup of unused tmp files when debugging and running files
  • Fixed. The Preview and Run button has been merged into just Run
  • Fixed. If file is not modified the tmp file on Run will be ~ + filename
  • Fixed. If file is modified the tmp file on Run will be ~~ + filename
  • Fixed. Jump to declaration improved for especially self::/parent::/$this->/$someObj->
  • Fixed. Application manager
  • Fixed. Better resolving object properties
  • Fixed. Better visibility in code tip for parent/self/$this/__construct/extends
  • Fixed. Better support in code completion and code tip for parent:__constructor()
  • Fixed. Class body completion for interface methods
  • Fixed. Fix constructor support for build-in objects
  • Fixed. Renamed code completion option "If no match found, select the first item" to "Auto-select first item"
  • Fixed. If file contains error the debugger (Xdebug) will now alert why it cannot start and jump to the error
  • Fixed. Better text/icons for Web search and searching in the PHP manual
  • Fixed. Export CSharp syntax highlighter (Preferences)
  • Fixed. Import CSharp syntax highlighter (Preferences)
  • Fixed. Export VBScript syntax highlighter (Preferences)
  • Fixed. Import VBScript syntax highlighter (Preferences)
  • Fixed. Export CSS syntax highlighter (Preferences)
  • Fixed. Import CSS syntax highlighter (Preferences)
  • Fixed. Clear all search marks in opened files
  • Fixed. Auto-closing html/xhtml tags is now by default on
  • Fixed. Default path for the syntax check for PHP
  • Fixed. Inserting a phpDoc from the toolbar
  • Fixed. phpDoc indention on pressing Enter
  • Fixed. Bookmark positions after performing a search/replace
  • Fixed. Strip HTML/XHTML tags
  • Fixed. Printing and dimming
  • Fixed. Setting the Xdebug profiler output path (support for Vista and Windows 7)
  • Fixed. Default bold <b> has been replaced with <strong>
  • Fixed. Default italic <i> has been replaced with <em>
  • Minor fixes and improvements


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jurassic 08/10/09 Просмотров: 3364
FusionDem 06 марта 2010, 20:03:33
Лучший редактор

Спасибо. Лучший редактор для PHP кода - это точно, да и для других тоже отлично. Очень удобная и гибкая в настройке программа. Dreamveaver и прочая нечисть отдыхают..

dimonx3 03 февраля 2010, 09:59:08


nehidd 20 декабря 2009, 18:39:59

спасибо, забираю