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WYSIWYG Web Builder 6.1

WYSIWYG Web Builder - программа для создания веб-страниц, которая автоматически создает HTML-код, в то время, как вы просто размещаете объекты, т.е. знание HTML от вас совершенно не требуется. Просто перетащите необходимые объекты в любое место страницы. После этого останется только закачать получившиеся файлы на сервер, с помощью встроенного инструмента "Публикация". Имеет, практически, все возможности MS Frontpage, но содержит значительно больше инструментов для работы с объектами (изображения, текст, таблицы и т.д.). Благодаря WYSIWYG Web Builder веб-страница в Интернете будет иметь точно такой же вид, как на экране ПК, независимо от используемого браузера.

Ключевые осбенности:
  • Нет необходимости в знании языка HTML
  • Перетаскивание объектов в любое место HTML-страницы, куда угодно
  • Настраиваемые меню, панели инструментов, вкладки и т.д.
  • Поддержка создания полей форм
  • Мастер создания форм за четыре этапа. Выберите из десятка форм наиболее подходящую вам
  • Богатая текстовая поддержка: размер, шрифт, цвета, ссылки и т.д.
  • Поддержка ActiveX, JAVA, Flash, Windows Media player, Quicktime, Real Audio и других плагинов
  • Встроенный редактор длясоздания фото-галереи, с множеством функций
  • Встроенный редактор для создания рекламных баннеров
  • Создание карт изображений (Image maps)
  • Настройка и редактирование полосы прокрутки для вашей веб-страницы в Microsoft Internet Explorer
  • Создание панелей навигации, вкладок навигации, слайд-меню и т.д.
  • Готов к использованию языка Javascript
  • Поддержка готовых шаблонов. Доступно более 100 готовых шаблонов!
  • Вставка спец. символов
  • Поддержка создания слайд-шоу
  • Импорт существующих HTML-страниц
  • Встроенная поддержка создания всплывающих окон (Popup-окон)
  • Создание выпадающего меню навигации
  • Поиск и замена текстовых объектов
  • Графические инструменты: настройка яркость, контрасти, нсыщенности, цветопередачи и т.д.
  • Графические эффекты: черно-белое, негатив, сепия, размытость, резкость, шум и т.д.
  • Инструменты для рисования
  • Создание RSS-лент
  • Генератор сайтмапа для Google
  • И многое, многое другое...

What's new in WYSIWYG Web Builder 6.1


  • Improved: Redesigned internal link management, resulting in a major speed improvement in Site Manager operations.
  • Improved: Added 'Verify connectivity with activation server' option in the activation window.
  • Improved: Rulers have a more modern look.
  • Improved: Color values are now displayed in HEX format instead of RGB
  • Improved: Redesigned option window for easier access to the settings.
  • Improved: A warning will be displayed if you directly try to open a HTML page.
  • New feature: 'Preload images used by javascripts' option in Options. Enabling this option will preload all images of a pages used by the javascript (like the navigationbar) when the page is loaded.
  • New feature: Gradient Style Manager to add/edit and remove global (multi color) gradients effects.
  • New feature: Web Builder can now copy all assets to a sub folder of the project automatically, this will make keeping track of all files used by the project much easier.
  • New feature: Added 'Check for updates online' option.
  • New feature: New objects can now be inserted via the Page context menu 'Insert...'

Page features:

  • Improved: Redesigned page properties to get a better overview of the available options.
  • New feature: Added support for XHTML!
  • New feature: New DocType property in Page Properties (selects between HTML or XHTML output).
  • New feature: Styles Manager, a central place to update the styles of multiple objects.
  • New feature: Header style support to text (h1, H2, H3 etc)!
  • New feature: Predefined target screen sizes in Page Properties
  • New feature: Categories meta tags in Page Properties. Also used by the SiteTree object to categorize pages.
  • New feature: Redirect in Page Properties (refresh meta tag). This properties redirect the user to another page after a specific delay.
  • New feature: Page background gradient color
  • New feature: Create a new page based on a template. Pick any page from a template and insert it into the curren project.


  • Improved: Redesigned the menubar properties window, for improved property management.
  • Improved: Menubar themes now use user defined font and size.
  • Improved: Menubar themes now are rendered in th designer too.
  • New feature: Added Text alignment to menubar
  • New feature: Added support button images to the menubar (to create a navigationbar with dropdown menus!)
  • New feature: Support for Theme Studio menubar themes. Now you can easily create new menbar styles with this great tool!
  • New feature: Added many new menubar themes.

  • Improved: Shape object now uses Gdiplus and supports pattern and glass effects even when anti-alias is off.
  • Improved: Rewitten Color quantizer for gdiplus.
  • Improved: During resizing of shape only the outline is drawn for better performance.
  • Improved: New shape selection menu for easier shape selection (shape preview).
  • New feature: New shape type: round corner, a rectangle with rounded corners whihc can be enable indivually.
  • New feature: 30+ new shapes! crowns, alternating star, blockstars and many more!
  • New feature: Solid shadow style to shape.
  • New feature: Bevel effect for shape objects. A cool 3d effect!
  • New feature: Added support for multi color gradients.
  • New feature: New Borderstyle: outline, multi color borders.

  • Improved: Redesigned Ready-To-Use-JavaScript property window. Properties now also available in Property Inspector.

  • New feature: Border styles (Solid, Dotted, Dashed, Double, Ridge, Groove, Inset, Outset)
  • New feature: Table insert window now has style options, to quickly setup the style of a new table.

Master Pages:

  • New feature: Master pages can now be used across different folders. The master page does no longer have to be in the same folder as the pages that are using it.


  • New feature: Text, Form Controls can now use pre defined styles.
  • New feature: Border styles (Dotted, Dashed, to most standard HTML objects (Form Controls, Images, Marquee, Tables)
  • New feature: Captcha object for (PHP) forms. An attempt to stop spammers from submitting form data.
  • New feature: Added the ability to write form data to a (csv) file.
  • New feature: Added 'Create data file wizard' to quickly create an empty csv data file, without the need of an external FTP client.
  • New feature: Adde the ability to upload files to a folder on the server (instead of sending them via email)


  • New feature: Border styles (Solid, Dotted, Dashed, Double, Ridge, Groove, Inset, Outset)
  • New feature: Added support for predefined style!


  • New feature: Border styles (Solid, Dotted, Dashed, Double, Ridge, Groove, Inset, Outset)
  • New feature: Added support for predefined style!
  • New feature: Copy/paste images directly from another application (PhotoShop, PaintShopPro, IE, FireFox etc) onto the page!
  • New feature: Copy/paste images and shapes from Web Builder to another application!
  • New feature: Frames for images.


  • New feature: Added Bookmark support to Navigationbar, Menubar, TextMenu, SlideMenu, TabMenu, GoMenu, ImageMap and SlideShow.

  • New feature: Added support for the latest (orange) PayPal button image + improved image selection.
  • New feature: PayPal option fields, easily add combobox of editbox fileds to your paypal webshop.

RSS Feed:

  • New feature: Encoding property to RSS Feed


  • New feature: Added 'Slide' effect.


  • New feature: Support for swfscript in Flash object. This make the flash object W3C compliant. Can be enabled/disabled per Flash object.
  • New feature: Support for Flash variables.
  • New feature: Added 'AllowScriptAccess' property.

  • New feature: Navigationbar button colorize property. Change the color of a button to almost any color. Now you have hundreds additional color variations to choose from!

  • New feature: Built-in FTP Client to manage your online files. The 'Explore' button in publish settings give you access to your published files.

Drawing Tools (Polygon, Closed Curve)

  • New feature: New MultiColor gradient effect.


  • Improved: Increase the extension limit from 50 to 99.
  • New feature: Extension Manager! Now you can download, install, update and uninstall extensions from within the software!
  • New feature: Assets manager now also works on extensions.


  • New feature: ClipArt, it uses dingbat fonts for vector shapes. It has all the features of shapes, but now you can add almost any type of shape!


  • New feature: SiteTree, display an overview of your website (SiteMap) in 3 possible styles: Alphabetic, by category or in a treeview!

Text Art:

  • New feature: Text Art, create amazing logos, banners or headers. With several fill effects, warp effects, circled text, shadow, bevel, multiple lines, rotating.......

Login System/Page Password Protection:

  • New feature: WYSIWYG Web Builder now has a built-in (PHP) login system. Create a login system without any programming.
  • 7 new objects:
  • Signup - Allow users to signup for your protected pages
  • Admin - Create, Edit or remove users.
  • Change password - Allows the users to change their password.
  • Protect Page - Add this to a page you want to protect.
  • Login - Login form
  • Logout - Logout
  • Password recovery - Resend the password, in case the user forgot it.
  • No database required.
  • Predefined forms for login, signup, admin, password recovery, with lots of customize options.

You Tube:
  • New feature: Added support for YouTube videos.


Скачать программу WYSIWYG Web Builder 6.1 (3,68 МБ):

duykarev 19/06/09 Просмотров: 2424
gena552 20 декабря 2009, 18:37:23
Вопрос по сохранению...

Всем привет. Такой вопрос:
Создаю проект, сохраняю его, затем снова открываю. Нажимаю кнопку просмотр и в браузере вижу фон красного цвета. Меняю фон на любой другой цвет. Нажимаю просмотр а результат тот же. Я так понимаю это новый метод защиты программы? Или я не прав? До этого пользоволся версией 5.5.5. Так там было все ок.

Честно говоря не влом потратить бабло на лицензию, просто с ихними PayPal - ами, даже не знаю. Да ведь и притензии не предъявиш никому в случае если деньги не дойдут.